A Touch of Medieval: Narrative, Magic and Computer Technology in Massively Multiplayer Computer Role-Playing Games
The paper provides an in depth examination of the narrative structure of Massively Multiplayer Online Computer Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). The analysis is focused on the narrative complexities created by the relationships between computer technology, the medieval fantasy that is central to the genre, and the emergent nature of the online player society. The paper is divided into four major sections: the first examines the question of neomedievalism (as pronounced in the 1970's by Umberto Eco) and its relationship to technology and magic. The second section recounts the historical development of the MMORPG genre. The third section examines the narrative form unique to fantasy genre computer games that arises when the cogent narratives of the fantasy genre are mixed with the equally fantastic narratives of high tech computer culture. The fourth section examines a specific set of game "artifacts" that belong to the specific narrative diegesis of MMORPGs.
منابع مشابه
Towards the Narrative Annotation of Personal Information and Gaming Environments
This paper presents an analogy between Semantic Web technologies and an existing narrative theory. Narrative generation is presented as an alternative method of human computer interaction, in the form of context based search. The discussions are grounded in domains of Memories for Life, and Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.
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During the past two decades, the popularity of computer and video games has prompted games to become a source of study for educational researchers and instructional designers investigating how various aspects of game design might be appropriated, borrowed, and re-purposed for the design of educational materials. The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of how the structure in massive...
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The popularity of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) has risen greatly over the last few years. To date there has been very little published academic research concerning online gaming and even less on the different types of online games that exist. Given the lack of data, a scoping study was undertaken to examine the extent, range and nature of different MMORPGs. Data wer...
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